Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Capitol Day - reposted from my wordpress


The state capitol building in Madison, WI stands high above a mess of one way streets and a confused industrial neighborhood which has a smattering of hip coffee shops which sell t-shirts telling us to homogenize milk not Madison.  The capitol building itself is located on the isthmus of Lake Monona and Lake Mendota.  Isthmus, a geographical feature the people of Madtown boast on their alternative newspapers and variety of small businesses.
As a recent transplant to Wisconsin I was very interested in exploring the state capitol building.  The only one I had been in previously was in Salt Lake City, Utah where I interviewed for and failed to get a receptionist position for then Gov. Huntsman.  The capitol building in Madison did  not disappoint.  We were able to find street parking.  The parking is metered and marked for time limit; either 2 hours or 25 minutes.  It cost $3.00 for 2 hours.  Any entrance you chose to take seemed to take you right into the rotunda and the 4th largest dome in the world hovers high above you.  I was happy to see they offered free tours and that one so just happened to be starting in 15 minutes.  The highlight for me would have to be the tour guide, Jim.  A cross between my favorite high school history teacher and Mr. Rogers he fills your head with knowledge and takes you on the best adult field trip of your life.  Looking at the other tour guides behind the desk after the tour I know that they would probably disappoint.
Free tours are offered daily with the exception of some holidays.  I will be back for a visit in the summer months when the museum and observation deck are open.

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